Deepening Our Relationship to God
- Did you know it’s possible to have a deep spiritual walk and relationship with God? We are committed to teaching and growing together to better understand all that God would have us to be. In order for that to happen, we must learn how to abide in him, how to trust in him, how to fellowship with him, and most importantly how to listen to him. This journey is an exciting one and we want you to experience God in a way that maybe you never have before...we assure you, the journey is not over.
Developing Relationships with Others
- Far too often believers will congregate, even socialize at a church fellowship, but unfortunately never learn how to develop real and meaningful relationships with others. Sometimes, we hold back from really sharing our innermost thoughts; out of fear of rejection, criticism, or simply we just don’t know anyone well enough to open up too.
- At Riverstone Community Church, we are all about building relationships! We want to know you and we want you to know us! Not just on Sundays, but in a way that promotes continuity in the body of Christ. So how is this done? We are glad you is done through maturing in the grace of God; knowing that we are not perfect people, but share in flaws, and quirks, and all of the things that make us human like the ability to love and laugh. Come to Riverstone and let us get to know each other.
Defining Ourselves Through Service
- As we go along the Christian journey, we are called through love to serve one another. As we serve, we use our gifts that God has equipped us with as believers and in so doing we enrich the lives of others and ourselves. When we do not use our gifts in serving, life is dull, boring, and unsatisfying...these negatively influence our natural mind and often promote other activities to fill this void left from an unfulfilled life. Unfortunately many Christians have allowed themselves to get into trouble as they seek to replace the calling of God upon their life with other activities. We want you to be all that you can be for God, for your family, your community, your country, and for the world! Come learn to serve one another in love, and in so doing, learn to experience the abundant life in Christ!