We teach and preach with our primary emphasis on scriptural truth and commitment to allowing the Holy Spirit to transform our lives as we willing yield ourselves to obeying the word and will of God.
We believe in the inerrant and infallibility of Gods word and trust his inspired truth to teach us and conform us to the image of Christ. Knowing these truths, we witness this transforming power in all who seek him.
We believe at Riverstone that God is not impressed with formal prayers with lofty spiritual overtones, but that he desires to hear the heartfelt cry of his people. We believe prayer is an essential part of the believer’s life and we are committed to engaging believers in a life of prayer without ceasing. Come let us pray saying, “Now, my God, I pray, let Your eyes be open and Your ears attentive to the prayer in this place”. 2Ch 6:40
Christianity is not about church buildings, famous archeological discoveries, or future predictions of how the world will end! Christianity is about God and his people! God became man, so that man can be reconciled to God and in so doing he is seeking fellowship with his people.
Riverstone Community Church believes that people matter to God! We want you to know that no matter where you are in life; GOD WANTS YOU! He wants to know you and engage in a daily walk with you. That’s right with you! Be encouraged and know that if God is for us, who can be against us!
A deep and meaningful relationship with Christ is God’s plan for your life. As we grow and mature as believers, our complete and total devotion to our savior is the normal and desired goal of his people. Many believers never reach their desired walk with Christ because modern religion has made Christianity into a social, club like addition to your life.
Riverstone knows that the only way we can individually experience a Christ filled life is through total surrender! Now some may erroneously think this sounds like a dull, or restrictive lifestyle, but in fact surrendering to the Lordship of Christ liberates the believer and frees him from religious slavery! Don’t be fooled by religion, be free in Christ.
Its been said that many Christians seem fake or phony. Did you know that is actually true! In fact, unless we have a mature walk with Christ, we will pretend to be someone we are not. While we may fool some, God is never fooled by counterfeit Christianity and you know rarely are those who do not profess to know Christ.
God is looking for the “genuine article”, no fakes, no counterfeits, no phony religiosity, but the real deal!
We are committed to a dynamic ministry that promotes genuine faith, purpose, and the freedom to be who you are full of Christ. That’s not to say this will be a perfect fellowship, we are fallible people, but we promise to strive to be the real thing in public and in private! If you are looking for a place to serve the Lord, with people who also desire to see something real and meaningful then Riverstone may be your home.
Did you ever hear the phrase “you can get lost in the shuffle”? We think that families are getting lost in the shuffle of today’s modern church era. With mandate like requirements to attend every time the doors are open or risk being labeled as uncommitted, or even worse...we think that this regime of activity has become a distraction to actually developing meaningful relationships with Christ and with other believers.
We are committed to a simplistic church structure that promotes family growth, individual maturity, and a passion to know Christ intimately. We encourage the use of spiritual gifts within the body, growing in faith, and reaching the world with the Gospel message.
Don ’t get lost in the shuffle, come with us on a journey where you and your family will grow in grace.
Did you know that in the Christian life there are no “sidelines”? We are all key players in the proverbial game, no second string, no fans, just participants. The Apostle Paul said “though I am free from all, I have made myself a servant to all, that I might win the more...”
We at Riverstone know that every person is important to the body of Christ. We want all believers to participate in the game of life and to use the gifts that God has given them. For this reason, we all participate, we all go the extra mile, and we all serve. There are no elevated positions in kingdom work, everyone serves the King of Kings and we want you to join us in serving with great joy!